How To Determine If You Need Emergency Dental Services

Emergency Dentistry in Sevierville

Dental issues, such as toothache, can cause pain and significantly impact your day, but how do you know when it’s time to seek emergency dental services?

It is important to know the difference between a standard dental problem and an emergency that can jeopardize your smile and health. Below, top Sevierville dentist Dr. John C. Rader goes into detail below about how to determine when you may require emergency dental services.

Extreme Pain

If you are experiencing severe pain or toothache, you may need emergency dental care. While some mild to moderate dental pain can be common, extreme pain is not and could indicate a serious issue, such as infection or damage from an untreated cavity. Because extreme pain can accompany other dental emergencies, it is important to seek help right away.

Knocked-Out Tooth

When an entire tooth has been knocked out, it is important to seek dental care quickly because time plays a key role in whether or not the tooth survives. If the tooth remains out of the mouth for more than an hour, the chance of tooth survival decreases. In cases of knocked-out, chipped, or broken teeth, locate and collect as many pieces as you can. You will bring these pieces with you to the dentist.


Unexpected swelling of the jaw or gums can be treated as an emergency. You could have an infection, abscess, or other issue that would require attention from an emergency dentist.

Broken Crown or Missing Filling

When you have a missing filling or a broken crown, the underlying structure is left exposed and vulnerable. This can lead to severe pain and infection if not treated right away.

Save Your Smile

Certain dental issues have time-sensitive treatment requirements; you could end up losing teeth permanently in these cases. Seeking out emergency dental services can help you preserve your precious smile, alleviate serious pain and discomfort, and reduce the chance of infection.

Dr. Rader understands that facing a potential emergency can be confusing and scary, which is why he is committed to helping you understand more about your dental health and the severe issues that could impact your smile. In the case of a medical emergency, contact 911. If you have dental pain or an injury, it is important that you contact Dr. Rader as soon as possible, where a wide range of emergency dental services are available to you. Call (865) 774-3320 now to schedule your appointment.