How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Enhance Your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Sevierville

What do a brilliantly white smile, perfectly aligned teeth, and the confidence boost that comes with having a great smile have in common? They can all be achieved through cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to enhance the appearance of your smile, and each procedure and treatment plan can be customized to meet your needs.

Dr. John C. Rader has extensive experience creating beautiful smiles. His practice offers an array of cosmetic dental services that can help you achieve your smile goals. Continue reading to learn more about cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Whiten Your Smile

Over time, your teeth can start to appear discolored; this can occur from smoking, medication, or consuming certain beverages and foods. Teeth whitening services can treat unattractive staining and discoloration and leave you with a whiter smile. Teeth whitening results are usually noticeable after the first treatment, making this a great option for a quick boost in your appearance.

Get Rid of Gaps

While gaps in your teeth usually don’t have an effect on your oral health, they can be a cosmetic concern. Fortunately, you do not have to live with your gap. Procedures such as dental bonding and veneers can help close gaps between the teeth, revealing a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Align Your Teeth

Misaligned teeth can present a number of issues to your oral health and can impact the way you look and feel when interacting with others. Certain cosmetic dental procedures can help align certain teeth so that your smile appears straighter.

Repair Chipped or Broken Teeth

Crowns can be used to improve the look of fractured, chipped, or broken teeth. The material that crowns are made of matches your natural teeth. Additionally, this solution is permanent, which ensures you have a great smile that lasts.

Replace Missing Teeth

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants can help restore your smile. This cosmetic dental treatment is used to permanently replace any missing teeth you may have with a durable implant that matches the rest of your teeth.

Enhance Your Smile in Sevierville

A beautiful smile is within reach when you visit Dr. Rader’s office. There, he and his dedicated staff can help you learn more about how cosmetic dentistry can enhance your smile and boost your confidence. Whether you are concerned about discoloration, misalignment, or gaps, Dr. Rader can develop a customized plan for you. To schedule an appointment, call (865) 774-3320 now.